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This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of BuckeyeFaninFL BuckeyeFaninFL 7 years, 10 months ago.

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    Profile photo of Chaos

    Nickname is Chaos.. I have been designing since 2000. I am a NICET level 3. Prior to working in the industry I was a construction worker and worked in several trades. If I was to say I have a niche in fire protection it would be in industrial and power plant applications. I have designed more systems in cooling towers than I can even count. I love the industry and would like to hear more about everyone experience. Oh and I live in Utah.

    Profile photo of BuckeyeFaninFL

    Hey Chaos, thanks for visiting the site. I never designed a cooling tower before…is that just in Utah where the projects have been at? I have been designing since 1996, it looks like we got into the industry around the same time. It has done me well. When I started, we are using the old drafting boards and NFPA-13 was a 1/4″ thick. Boy times have changed…..geeze I sound like an old man!

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